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The JAM Online Shop profit supports the spreading of Bibles, tracts and other Gospel literature locally and elsewhere. More great books and evangelical tools to be added soon!

Read and download these free booklets

Also great for group or personal Bible study.
Biblical Decision Making
Is it God’s will to “find” His will?
Exactly how should you go about making good, God-honoring decisions?

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The Companionship Principle
Bringing Biblical Sanity to the Insanity of Dating
The real reason dating is often "insane" is Christian young people and parents have never consciously shaped their understanding of "dating" with the Bible.

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Dinge van Belang
Dinge van Belang vir jong Christene
Hulp en raad aan jong Christene. Die boekie is vol waardevolle wenke en waarskuwings om jou te help op jou pad saam met die Here.

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Identifying False Teachers
A Biblical Checklist for Identifying False Teachers in the Church
The purpose of this booklet is simple: to give you a checklist so that you can identify and avoid Christian leaders whom God would call false.

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Testing Today's Prophecy
Does today's "prophecy" measure up to biblical standards?
Should Christians accept the modern prophecy movement as a new work of God’s Spirit?

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Bible Study Book

Bible Study Book

Your Word is a Light to My Path

Prof. Johan Malan

The following is a series of Bible studies on important Christian doctrines. The faith of all Christians should be firmly anchored in these truths, to enable us to be faithful followers of the Lord Jesus and effectively execute our commission which is to be His witnesses. The only source used in this study is the Bible, as you must “know the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 3:15).

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U Woord is `n Lig vir My Pad

Prof. Johan Malan

Ons bied aan u ‘n inleidende Bybelstudie van 22 hoofstukke, deur prof. Johan Malan. Hierdie is ‘n sterk evangeliese Bybelstudie wat daarop gerig is om jong gelowiges se kennis oor die basiese leerstellings van die Bybel te verbreed en hulle toewyding aan die Here Jesus te verdiep, sodat hulle meer doeltreffende dissipels kan wees. Volwasse gelowiges sal ook groot baat daarby vind om die kursus deur te werk.

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Evolution Book

Evolution Book

Problems with Darwin

On certain aspects of Darwinism it is safest for a layman to hold his tongue. What, after all, does he know of matters like genes and chromosomes on the one hand and fossils on the other? In order to say anything sensible about them, a study of years is required. But there is another aspect of Darwinism where it is not impossible to arrive at reliable conclusions.

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Probleme met Darwin

Oor sekere aspekte van die Darwinisme moet 'n leek liewer swyg. Wat weet hy per slot van sake van dinge soos gene en chromosome aan die een kant, en van fossiele aan die ander kant? Om enigsins gesaghebbend daaroor te kan uitspraak gee, is 'n jarelange studie nodig. Maar daar is 'n ander aspek van die Darwinisme waarmee dit anders gesteld is en waaroor dit nie vir die leek onmoontlik is om self betroubare gevolgtrekkings te bereik nie.

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