General Information
The main languages in Mozambique are Emakhuwa 26.1%, Xichangana 11.3% and Portuguese 8.8% (spoken by 27% of the population as a second language).
The people of Mozambique are some of the poorest in the world.
Their currency is the Mozambique Metical – R1 = ±MZM 3
The population is just under 21 million. Life expectancy is around 40 years.
The main religions are Catholic 23.8%, Muslim 17.8%, Zionist Christians 17.5% other 17.8% and non religious 3.1%
Education: just over 47% are educated.
Milange – 7 Churches
- Mbizi FBC
Pastor & Wife – Mavuto & Malia Sitero
- Mbinzi FBC
Currently no Pastor.
- Kamwendo FBC
Currently no Pastor.
- * 4 NEW Congregations (more information to follow)