In December 2023, the churches made visits to their members who had disabilities, the elderly, and those facing prolonged illnesses. They offered prayers and shared tokens of encouragement, providing food parcels to uplift their spirits.
The student pastors also took part in this initiative as part of their practical period before they returned to the Bible School for their second and final year in January 2024.
A parcel was sent to Malawi in December to support the Sports Evangelism Youth Outreaches and general evangelism outreaches of the churches.
We would like to thank the people who donated clothes as well as funds for the Evangelism tools and the shipping of the parcels.
The Student Pastors started a 6-week long practical period in this month of October. They will each be placed with a senior Pastor at his church to learn and grow under their mentorship.
The women of Mwamadi Church joined up with the women from Biriwiri Church to have a three-day conference in Ntcheu.
The women travelled from Mulanje to Ntcheu for a weekend conference from 22 to 24 September 2023. They used this time to encourage and support each other, receiving teaching and reaching out to the local community with door-to-door evangelism.
The Bible school students will be completing their first term, they have a short break and are travelling back home from Blantyre to visit their families. The report from the Bible School is that they are doing very well.