Africa Mission
Church planting and growth | Supporting church communities in RSA, Malawi and Mozambique
JAM supports churches in RSA, Malawi and Mozambique. We visit these churches and communities and supply them with the necessary tools and leadership training to grow their churches and better their communities.

Mission Rapport 2021

Church Visits in Malawi and Mozambique

Church visits and training of church leaders in Malawi and Mozambique have started up again after Covid restrictions have been lifted in 2021. The visits are led by Pastor Daston Kapata and he is accompanied by Mr. Davie Sabola, who has been selected as one of the young men to receive further training at the Evangelical Bible College next year in 2022. The visits started in the south with the Churches in Mozambique, working their way up to Mulanje in Southern Malawi, next was Ntcheu in Central Malawi, and lastly the churches in Lilongwe.

EE3 Flip Chart Leaders Training Moz 1 EE3 Flip Chart Leaders Training Moz 3
  Mozambique church visits and training.
Left: Pastor Daston training the church leaders. Right: Opening the training with worship and prayer.
 mulanje mission visits  Communion at Namitupa with the Sunday church servicejpeg
  Mulanje church visits and training, in Southern Malawi.
Left: Pastor Daston addresses the church leaders. Right: Sunday service communion to end off the visit.
 Diwisa visit1  Biriwiri visit 2
Ntcheu church visits and training, in Central Malawi.
Left: The congregation of Diwiza church. Right: The congregation of Biriwiri church.

These visits consist of:

  1. EE3 (Evangelism Explosion) Leadership Training

  2. Evangelical outreaches in local villages and handing out gospel tracts

  3. Youth Evangelism training through sports

  4. Handing over the donation packages to each pastor

Candidates for Bible College

Our aim is to send two young men, that will be identified by the church leaders, to the Evangelical Bible College in Blantyre. Pastor Daston Kapata is one of our young pastors that did his training there. He is a well-trained pastor with evangelism at the core of his ministry. Through him, we can clearly see that the training is extremely beneficial and necessary in order to build the mission churches and maintain the spiritual well-being of the members.

This decision came about, not just because of the lack of trained pastors in the mission churches, but also because of current leaders entering old age. There are some pastors that are getting quite old and in need of help with managing their churches. They also have invaluable knowledge and many years of experience which cannot be lost but must be conveyed to these new young pastors. The ideal would be to have them complete their year Certificate and then join the church of the pastor they will be taking over from. They will work under their senior pastor as assistant and youth pastor.

 Davie Sabola From Mwamadi FBC Presenting Evangelism Explosion flipchart Mr Davie Sabola 
Left: Mr. Davie Sabola presenting the EE Flip chart
Right: Mr. Davie Sabola standing at one of the church buildings during a visit

We will encourage these young pastors to start with youth programs like pastor Daston Kapata has done, and therefore, to involve him in the youth work training of these young assistant pastors. He makes use of Sports Evangelism Youth Outreaches. We use sports as a tool to evangelize the youth. Because young people do not always attend church meetings, sports is a great way to reach them. This ministry has expanded into having a few Free Baptist Teams and having young people who have accepted Jesus into their lives and hearts and now share their testimonies and help me with the outreaches at events or practice.

It is very important that the young people be reached so that the Africa Mission work can continue.

The two churches that we have identified are the Namitupa Free Baptist Church in Mulanje, Pastor Brighton Kapata. The second church is the Biriwiri Free Baptist Church in Ntcheu, Pastor Milliward Kamenya.

New building for Mamburu FBC

We are thankful for the provision of a new building in Mamburu village for this congregation. They were put out of their building in Mingwa village because the owner wanted to repurpose the land. The new building have been completed in September 2021 and provisions for the roof were made. The building was completed in November 2021.

Mimbulu Church building bricks ready Mambulu FBC ready to be roofed
Left: Church leaders standing in front of the newly made bricks ready to start the new building.
Right: Pastor Daston standing in front of the building ready to be roofed in August 2021.
  mamburu church new building
  Mamburu church roofing completed November 2021

New Roof for Mwamadi FBC building

In November 2021 there was a storm that badly damaged the roof of Pastor Daston's church building in Mulanje. There's not much to be saved as most of the roof sheets were badly damaged by the strong wind. The rain season is starting and the building desperately needs a roof to not cause further damage to the building by the rains. We are very grateful that God has provided for this building to be repaired in such a short time.

mwamadi storm damage1  mwamadi storm damage3 
  Damages caused by the storm to the Mwamadi church building
Roof fixed in December 2021

Parcels for the Pastors

We received donations and were able to send a parcel to each pastor in Malawi and Mozambique.

Donation Packets for 
Pastors from Malawi - Biriwiri | Diwiza | M’bindo | Kasupe | Mwamadi | Namitupa | Magabwa | Chitambi |
Pastors from Mozambique - Mbinzi | Chisulu | Kamwendo

Packages consisted of:

  • Chichewa tracts for outreaches 4kg
  • New Soccer Balls for Sports Evangelism
  • Acer laptop, charger, internet USB for Pastor Kapata
  • EE3 Evangelism Leaders Training Manuals
  • EE3 Small Booklets 1/2 box for Evangelism training and outreaches
  • Chichewa Tract booklets 1kg for outreaches
  • Clothing Packets for each Pastor

You can get involved by:

Donating clothing or any other items - Contact us
Financial contribution - Donate here



The FBC has 10 churches in Central and Southern Malawi.
Malawi Churches
 Mozam<br />bique


The FBC has 7 churches in Southern Mozambique.
Mozambique Churches

General Information

Malawi is a Christian majority nation with a sizable Muslim population centered in the areas near the border with Mozambique.

Malawi, officially the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country in Southeastern Africa bordered by Tanzania, Zambia, and Mozambique. It is one of the smallest countries in Africa with an area of 45,460 square miles and an estimated population of 16.8 million. Lilongwe is the country’s capital and largest city. It is under the leadership of the president who is elected democratically. English is the country’s official language, but other ethnic languages are used.

Religions - Protestant Christianity 44%, Islam 19%, Roman Catholic Christianity 18%, Other Christians 13% and Other Beliefs or Irreligion 6%.

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According to the most recent national census, more than half of Mozambicans are Christian, though a significant Muslim presence is also felt.

The South African nation Mozambique gives its people full rights to practice any religion of their choice. However, no official religious holidays are there, but it allows its people to take leave on their respective religious days of observance. In this respect, it would be interesting to explore the religious beliefs in Mozambique.

Roman Catholic Christianity 28.4%, Atheist or Agnostic 18.7%, Islam (predominately Sunni) 17.9%, Zionist Protestant Christianity15.5%, Evangelical Protestant Christianity 10.9%, Other Beliefs 7.3%, Anglican Protestant Christianity 1.3%.

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Latest Mission Rapport

Here is the latest on what we are doing in Malawi and Mozambique and how you can contribute or get involved.

Training of Leaders 2023

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2021 Rapport

Read Rapport

December 2018 Rapport

Read Rapport

Sports Evangelism Youth Outreaches

Youth outreaches through sport taking off in Malawi.

Pastor Daston reports about the sports evangelism they are doing in Malawi.

This ministry has expanded into having a few Church Teams and having young people who has accepted Jesus into their lives and hearts and now share their testimonies and help me with the outreaches at events or practice.

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Pastors Testimonies

These are short interviews with some of the pastors from Malawi, telling us about their salvation and their work in the ministry.
