Africa Mission
Church planting and growth | Supporting church communities in RSA, Malawi and Mozambique
JAM supports churches in RSA, Malawi and Mozambique. We visit these churches and communities and supply them with the necessary tools and leadership training to grow their churches and better their communities.

Sports Evangelism Youth Outreaches

Pastor Daston reports on the sports evangelism they are doing in Malawi.

We use sports as a tool to evangelize the youth. Because young people do not always attend church meetings, sports is a great way to reach them.

What do we do during Sports Evangelism?

I would go to any sports ground with my small Bible and a soccer ball. I will then call the local young people over and ask if they would like to train with me. When we have gathered a group of people together, I would introduce myself as Daston Kapata, a youth pastor from the Free Baptist Church. I would tell them that I like sports and that I also like Jesus. When I see that they don't know Jesus I would jump in and share a short message with them.
Before we start the game or training session I always ask one of the young people to pray, if they fail to pray I would ask them if I can teach them how to pray. If they say yes, I would also use this opportunity to shortly share with them.

When we have matches with other teams I would ask one of the young people to share their testimony with the rest and during halftime, I would also preach a short message for them.

I also use this opportunity to teach the youth good behaviour and Biblical morals such as to not play rough with team members or the other team and not be vengeful and do bad to others like they have done to me.

Sports Evangelism attracts more young people than church meetings do. It also gives them a place to belong and to spend their time instead of going to bad places. Young people need to feel accepted and that they have a place where they can interact and relax with other young people who are like-minded.

This ministry has expanded into having a few Free Baptist Teams and having young people who have accepted Jesus into their lives and hearts and now share their testimonies and help me with the outreaches at events or practice.

Thank you for your continued support from South Africa.

Pastor Daston Kapata
Mwamadi Free Baptist Church
Mulanje, Malawi




The FBC has 10 churches in Central and Southern Malawi.
Malawi Churches
 Mozam<br />bique


The FBC has 7 churches in Southern Mozambique.
Mozambique Churches

General Information

Malawi is a Christian majority nation with a sizable Muslim population centered in the areas near the border with Mozambique.

Malawi, officially the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country in Southeastern Africa bordered by Tanzania, Zambia, and Mozambique. It is one of the smallest countries in Africa with an area of 45,460 square miles and an estimated population of 16.8 million. Lilongwe is the country’s capital and largest city. It is under the leadership of the president who is elected democratically. English is the country’s official language, but other ethnic languages are used.

Religions - Protestant Christianity 44%, Islam 19%, Roman Catholic Christianity 18%, Other Christians 13% and Other Beliefs or Irreligion 6%.

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According to the most recent national census, more than half of Mozambicans are Christian, though a significant Muslim presence is also felt.

The South African nation Mozambique gives its people full rights to practice any religion of their choice. However, no official religious holidays are there, but it allows its people to take leave on their respective religious days of observance. In this respect, it would be interesting to explore the religious beliefs in Mozambique.

Roman Catholic Christianity 28.4%, Atheist or Agnostic 18.7%, Islam (predominately Sunni) 17.9%, Zionist Protestant Christianity15.5%, Evangelical Protestant Christianity 10.9%, Other Beliefs 7.3%, Anglican Protestant Christianity 1.3%.

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Latest Mission Rapport

Here is the latest on what we are doing in Malawi and Mozambique and how you can contribute or get involved.

Training of Leaders 2023

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2021 Rapport

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December 2018 Rapport

Read Rapport

Sports Evangelism Youth Outreaches

Youth outreaches through sport taking off in Malawi.

Pastor Daston reports about the sports evangelism they are doing in Malawi.

This ministry has expanded into having a few Church Teams and having young people who has accepted Jesus into their lives and hearts and now share their testimonies and help me with the outreaches at events or practice.

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Pastors Testimonies

These are short interviews with some of the pastors from Malawi, telling us about their salvation and their work in the ministry.
