Mission Rapport - Dec 2018
Meeting Mulanje - 14 December 2018
Current Situation:
We have found a hand full of people in SA that has a heart and vision for the Africa Mission. It is unfortunately very few. The original plan was for the SA FB churches to support the mission work, but this have not been the case. Now in 2018 there’s one church left in SA supporting the Malawi Mission. We are still optimistic about the work in Africa and especially Malawi. We told the leaders of the Malawi churches the state of the SA church so that they can understand and convey this to their congregations, to be patient and to trust God with us for the future of the Africa Mission. We need to be of one heart and mind with the Malawi pastors to go forward with the mission.
We started an organization Just Africa Mission NPC in order to raise awareness and funds for the Africa Mission. We explained that we are doing new things in order to raise funds for the Africa Mission. We have started to bring paying students on an Africa tour to have funds to support and build the Africa Mission. In 2019 there will be 3 paying students with us on the tour. This will make a big difference in the finances for the mission and it will grow from here. But we need to be patient. We are feeling burdened with the churches in Malawi and Mozambique, and we would like to give them everything they need, but they must please understand our financial position and convey that to the church members. So that we all can cooperate and work together in building the Africa Mission.
Plan for the future:
Structure of the FBC Malawi – A main group of pastors has been identified to make decisions which is a balance between old experienced pastors and young pastors, three from central Malawi and two from south Malawi.
We have created a WhatsApp group where the pastors will be reporting on their visiting and their outreaches and where they can stay in contact and encourage each other. We will also have more communication from Malawi so that we can encourage and promote the work in SA, so people can become involved in the mission work.
The churches in Malawi must change their outlook to Evangelism instead of church building, when we focus on outreach and evangelism, God will provide the rest. But the focus must not be building church buildings but on reaching out to the people outside of the church, to share the gospel with them. The church members focus must change from sitting and waiting and wanting to an outreach mindset.
The finances will be transferred to one or two pastors, they will know beforehand where the money is to be used. The transport will be paid for all the visits, the churches id to provide accommodation for the pastors. Money will be made available every month for Bibles to take with on the visits.
Evangelism Material
We gave them the Evangelism Explosion Flipchart to start training their elders and church members with. The Flipchart can also be used at outreaches.
We also gave them the evangelical sports balls for their youth outreaches. We will keep sending more of these materials as needed throughout 2019, so that they can continue the work. The material will be posted by air post which takes two weeks to arrive in Malawi. The pastors have received some training using the four-color sports balls and will receive extensive training when we visit them in December 2019 on our next tour. We believe that if the focus changes to evangelism, the churches will grow anyway. It is especially important to reach the youth so that the young generation can start to be saved and join the churches and outreaches.
What we would like TO DO in 2019:
- Supply funds monthly for Bibles.
- Post evangelical balls and rubber bands bi-monthly for outreaches.
- Build a church building for Namitupa church – Pastor Brighton Kapata’s church.